
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a standard method for protecting property owners,
property investors, and managers from environmental liability. An ESA is a baseline assessment for
controlling environmental liability for lenders, buyers, insurers, and investors demonstrating their due diligence. Once a Phase I assessment is complete the purchaser or the bank qualifies for the CERCLA
Innocent Landowners Defense designed to allow the owner of the property to defend against liability of
hazardous substances placed by a third party. Environmental assessments are in the best interest of
protecting today's lender, buyer, and seller.

VEIR Corp has conducted over 1,000 Phase I ESA's since 1998, with the senior staff having involvement
in over 1,500 assessments over the past 12 years. Our extensive experience ranges from single
undeveloped sites (commercial/industrial locations and oil & gas leasehold areas) to conducting due
diligence audits for multi-site/multi-million dollar corporate acquisitions. Our Phase I environmental site assessments are conducted according to the ASTM Standard ASTM 1527-2005, and individual client's requirements.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

Phase II ESA's will characterize the type, distribution and extent of contaminants in the environment. Soil and groundwater delineation investigations typically take a phased approach as preliminary data is used to plan subsequent investigation steps in order to fully characterize the contaminant plume and calculate the associated environmental liabilities.

VEIR Corp will utilize both in situ and ex-situ techniques, based on site-specific parameters. Remediation and treatment are tailored to the specific site conditions and the needs of the client. We offer remediation services which include planning, project management, design, installation and system management.

One of our greatest strengths is our experience in moving from characterization to remediation and
providing affordable costs to our clients.

Our extensive experience encompasses the assessment and characterization of soil, surface water,
groundwater, and air. Site closure planning is conducted to achieve both the needs of the client, and
compliance with provincial and federal regulations. Our Phase II investigations are completed using
accepted field and laboratory methods, and accredited analytical laboratories.