Specialized Services
Risk-Based Correction Action
VEIR Corp will execute screening-level remedial investigations utilizing U.S. EPA risk assessment approaches to support informed, site-specific, risk-based investigative decision criteria. VEIR Corp can also perform human health-based deterministic risk assessments to establish risk-based corrective action levels.
VEIR Corp performs human health-based risk assessments and risk management planning, and prepares site closure planning based on the U.S. EPA Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) models and Human Health Soil Quality Guidelines.
Regulatory Negations and Assistance
VEIR Corp has a strong working relationship with the regulatory agencies. Our reputation for quality work and in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements enhances our ability to assist in regulatory negotiations on behalf of our clients.
VEIR Corp has an extensive knowledge of the State Water Resources Control Board, Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund, which has allowed us to assist our clients in the process of completing the claim application successfully, and file reimbursement requests.
Expert Testimony
VEIR Corp provides expert review and testimony as it relates to environmental problems.
Subslab Vapor Survey
VEIR Corp performs Subslab Vapor Surveys in accordance with the procedures described the California EPA (Cal EPA) Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) Interim Final Guidance for the Evaluation and Mitigation of Subsurface Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air, dated December 15, 2004, and with all other regulatory agencies and requirements.